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Embracing The Challenges Of A New Job.

Challenges are the stepping stones you need to excel in your career. Starting a new job can be an exciting and challenging experience. The key to managing the challenges that comes with a new job is recognizing, preparing and utilizing them to your own advantage. Being focused and maintaining a positive mind set will help you reduce stress and fit into the new role. Challenges are doors that leads you into what you intend to become professionally.

A brand new job comes with the challenges of new co-workers, job responsibility expectations, new company culture to abide by and a new boss to satisfy, and there is that tendency of losing your confidence especially when you do not meet up with deadlines and targets. The challenges you come in contact with are opportunities for improvement, embracing them will give you the chance to grow on the job, develop new skills and build great professional relationships with your colleagues.

Embracing challenges that come your way at your new job creates an opportunity for growth and helps you in the following ways…


Every challenge you encounter gives you the chance to develop new skills and improve existing ones. Challenges create the opportunity for you to acquire new skills needed to accomplish certain tasks and also prepare you for the next face of your career journey.  No one develops new skills without being stretched professionally. Carrying out challenging task reveals your professional limitations and motivates you to develop skills needed to overcome such limitations. In order to facilitate the development of new skills, embrace the challenges you encounter in your new job. Every new progress you make will be as a result of a particular challenge you embraced and made the best of.


Overcoming the challenges that present themselves in your new job is a way to show your employers your worth. There is no guarantee in any job and everyone is replaceable, but what will guarantee your job security is the value you bring to the organisation. Your ability to produce results out of challenges and responsibilities that are presented to you will show employers you’re a valuable addition to the team. By accepting new challenges, you’re not only improving yourself but also motivating those around you to improve themselves. Tackling new challenges does not just guarantee your job security; it also increases the productivity level of the organisation there by making the organization more valuable to its clients. By embracing challenges you’ll be working to make the organization more successful and well on your way to being an indispensable member of the team!


Challenges help you to appreciate the ideas and skills of others. You can’t know everything. Sometimes you may struggle with coming up with new ideas while working on a project; in such situations consulting with fellow team members might just be the best way to resolve that issue. Challenges create an opportunity for you to know and understand the skills and expertise of your team members, and also give you the chance to both bond with them and learn a thing or two from them. Challenges give you the chance to make connections and build relationships with other professionals outside your company, in order to brainstorm, share ideas and develop a solution to a particular problem.


There are two kinds of employees in any organization; those enduring the job and those enjoying the job. The tendency is, with every challenge you overcome, your passion and love for your job increases. If you’re just enduring your job, embracing new challenges can help stir you up because there is that satisfaction that comes from accomplishing something new.  Embracing challenges and progressively solving them does not just build your confidence but creates a certain level of fulfilment and satisfaction.

A lot of people run away from challenges but the fact remains that every challenge is a path to greater achievements, and embracing them gives you the opportunity to make the best out of them!

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